Bilimsel Makaleler

Akademik Tezler
Mart 2023 "A Systematic Review of Randomized Control Trials to Assess Exercise Prescription Practice in Tennis Elbow" Mathews Journal of Sports Medicine.
Şubat 2023 "Kinetic chain revisited: Consensus expert opinion on terminology, clinical reasoning, examination and treatment in people with shoulder pain" Journal of Shoulder and Elbow Surgery.
Mayıs 2022 "Positioning efficacy and comfort profile of shoulder support braces: A randomized repeated-measures study using three-dimensional kinematic analysis"Prosthetics and Orthotics International.
Mart 2022 "Tender point examination with palpation in different shoulder pathologies: A retrospective study" Journal of Orthopedic Science.
Aralık 2021 "Association Between Scapular Posture and Two Different Pectoralis Minor Length Tests in Adolescents" International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training.
Ekim 2021 "Evidence for taping in overhead athlete shoulders: a systematic review" Research in Sports Medicine.
Temmuz 2021 "Hip-focused neuromuscular exercise provides immediate benefits in foot pronation and dynamic balance: A sham-controlled cross-over study" Journal of Sport Rehabilitation.
Ocak 2021 "Physiotherapist-Patient Interaction: A Qualitative Analysis" Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
Ekim 2020 "The repeatability of 3-dimensional scapular kinematic analysis during bilateral upper extremity movements" Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies.
Nisan 2020 "Effect of elastic scapular taping on shoulder and spine kinematics in adolescents with idiopathic scoliosis" Acta Orthopedica Turcica.
Eylül 2019 "Which method for frozen shoulder mobilization: manual posterior capsule stretching or scapular mobilization?" Journal of Musculoskeletal & Neuronal Interactions .
Nisan 2019 "Effect of taping on scapular kinematics of patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy" Neurological Sciences.
Ocak 2019 "A plyometric training combined with jump rope training in female adolescent volleyball players" Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Health Sciences.
Aralık 2018 "A three-dimensional scapular motion analysis in patients with arthroscopic anterior capsulolabral repair of the shoulder: The effect of scapular stabilization taping" Journal of Orthopaedic Science.
Nisan 2018 "Effect of flexibility deficit on scapular asymmetry in individuals with and without shoulder pain" Brazillian Journal of Physical Therapy.
Mart 2018 "Cross-cultural adaptation of Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic shoulder and elbow score: Reliability and validity in Turkish-speaking overhead athletes" Acta Orthopedica Turcica.
Ocak 2018 "Scapular motion adaptations in junior overhead athletes: A three-dimensional kinematic analysis in tennis players and non-overhead athletes" Sports Biomechanics.
Kasım 2017 "Kinematic analysis of scapular movements in patients with facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy" Journal of Electromyography and Kinesiology.
Eylül 2017 "Shoulder kinematics and mobility adaptations in water-polo players" Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.
Eylül 2017 "“Ballistic Six” upper extremity plyometric training for the paediatric volleyball players" Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.
Ağustos 2017 "Validity and reliability of the Turkish version of Visual Analog Scale Foot and Ankle" Foot and Ankle Surgery.
Ağustos 2017 "Scapular kinematics in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: A three-dimensional motion analysis during multiplanar humeral elevation" Journal of Biomechanics.
Ağustos 2017 "Repositioning the scapula with taping following distal radius fracture: Kinematic analysis using three-dimensional motion system" Journal of Hand Therapy.
Ağustos 2017 "Upper extremity health profile in Turkish overhead athletes: The effect of current level of play, sports participation, sports type, and previous injury" Journal of Exercise Therapy and Rehabilitation.
Ağustos 2017 "Special rehabilitation approaches: Closed kinetic chain training" Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi Physiotherapy Rehabilitation-Special Topics.
Haziran 2017 "Effects of scapular stabilization exercise training on scapular kinematics, disability, and pain in subacromial impingement: A randomized controlled trial" Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation.
Mayıs 2017 "Neck and scapula-focused exercise training on patients with non-specific neck pain: A randomized controlled trial" Journal of Sports Rehabilitation.
Mayıs 2017 "Acute effects of spinal bracing on scapular kinematics in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis" Clinical Biomechanics.
Mayıs 2017 "Effects of 12-week in-season low-intensity plyometric training on dynamic balance of pre-pubertal female volleyball players" Turkish Journal of Sport and Exercise.
Nisan 2017 "Scapular kinematic analysis in children with obstetric brachial plexus injury: Case series study" Clinical and Experimental Health Sciences.
Mart 2017 "Rehabilitation of Shoulder Disorders in Athletes" Türkiye Klinikleri Dergisi Physiotherapy Rehabilitation-Special Topics.
Ocak 2017 "Stretching exercises for shoulder impingement syndrome: Effects of 6-week program on shoulder tightness, pain and disability status" Journal of Sport Rehabilitation.
Eylül 2016 "Scapular asymmetry in participants with and without shoulder impingement syndrome; A three-dimensional motion analysis" Clinical Biomechanics.
Haziran 2016 "Efect of trapezius muscle strength on three-dimensional scapular kinematics" Journal of Physical Therapy Science.
Mayıs 2016 "Effects of "Throwers Ten" exercise program for injury prevention in adolescent overhead athletes: A randomized controlled trial" Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.
Ekim 2015 "Short-term effects of anterior and posterior capsular stretching in frozen shoulder" Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation.
Mayıs 2015 "Distal radius fractures result in alterations in scapular kinematics: A three-dimensional motion analysis" Clinical Biomechanics.
Ocak 2015 "The effect of Laser and taping on pain, functional status and quality of life in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome: A placebo-randomized controlled clinical trial" Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation.
Ocak 2014 "Acute effect on pain and ROM of two different active movement approaches in knee osteoarthritis" Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Ocak 2014 "The effect of active cervical lateral flexion range on shoulder joint range of motion in adhesive capsulitis patients: A pilot study" Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Ocak 2014 "Cervical pain and disability in patients with shoulder disorders: Pilot study" Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Ocak 2014 "The effect of muscular strength on scapular kinematics in asymptomatic shoulders with or without scapular dyskinesis" Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Ocak 2014 "The effect of manual posterior capsule stretching and scapular mobilization on range of motion and function in frozen shoulder" Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases.
Ocak 2014 "Effects of improving physical activity level on quality of life and functional status of patients receiving peritoneal dialysis" Turkish Nephrology.
Ocak 2014 "Effects of slow and accelerated rehabilitation protocols on range of motion after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair" Acta Orthopedica Turcica.
Ekim 2013 "Scapular kinematics during shoulder elevation performed with and without elastic resistance in men without shoulder pathologies" Journal of Sports and Orthopedic Physical Therapy.
Nisan 2011 "The effect of prophylactic knee bracing on performance: Balance, proprioception, coordination, and muscular power" Knee Surgery Sports Traumatology Arthroscopy.
Nisan 2015 Doktora Tezi
"Omuz sıkışma sendromunda iki farklı egzersiz programının 3-boyutlu skapular kinematik, fonksiyonel aktivite düzeyi ve ağrı üzerine etkinliğinin karşılaştırılması"
Haziran 2011 Yüksek Lisans Tezi
"Farklı düzlemlerde yapılan dirençli omuz egzersizinin skapular kinematiğe etkisi"